
Record Your Story. Report Anonymously.
Introducing VESTA Community.
We know there are many reasons for not wanting to file a formal report with police or pursue
charges. We believe that as a survivor of sexual assault and gender-based violence it's always your
choice to file a police report now, later, or never.
We've partnered with VESTA Social Innovation Technologies and Kingston Police, to offer an alternative and to support your decisions around reporting. Through VESTA Community, a web and mobile app, you can provide police with the circumstances of your assault with the option of remaining anonymous, if you wish.
VESTA Community can be an extremely useful healing strategy for you, the survivor, and an effective investigative strategy for law enforcement agencies. You can feel empowered knowing that the information you provide could be used to solve reported offences of a similar nature.
From your computer or phone, VESTA Community helps you
Document or record your experience in a safe, secure online location available only to you. Save it, delete it, or report it. Now or later. It’s up to you. You’re in control.
Anonymously report to Kingston Police
You can provide information without providing your name. Police will see a summary of anonymous data. No investigation will be launched but by doing this, police will be able to identify concerning trends or areas, making our community a safer place for everyone.
Formally report online to Kingston Police
You can provide information to Kingston Police. By providing your name and contact details, police will contact you to begin an investigation. This process will involve providing police with a statement and an offender may be arrested and charged. If the matter goes to court, you may be required to attend.
Whichever option you choose, you are in control. The reporting process can be upsetting, so we encourage you to engage with support services before, during, or after connecting with the VESTA app.
To find out more about VESTA, visit vestasit.com
To find out more about how we maintain your confidentiality and protect your identity and data, visit vestasit.com/FAQ
If you want to file a report to the police in person, Kingston Police have detailed information about making a report and the processes involved on their website.
VESTA is not a substitute for 911, if you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Services > Advocacy and Support