Get Involved > Fundraising

All the services and programs at the Sexual Assault Centre Kingston are free of charge.
We are able to do this from your generous donations in addition to support and funding from the Government of Ontario, United Way, KFL&A and Queen’s University. Your donations are an integral part of being able to continue to provide free services to those in need in our community.
Between the months of September to November we fundraise on behalf of United Way – one of our main funders.
What can you do?
If you or your group have a great idea and would like to fundraise for us – GO FOR IT - and be sure to tag us on social media @sackingston
If you would like to partner with us on a specific fundraising idea as a sponsor, please reach out to the Director of Program and Fund Development, Jessica,
We LOVE community collaborations!
How can you donate?
Please help us support survivors in your community by visiting our Canada Helps Page.