Services > Crisis and Support

Crisis & Support Services at Sexual Assault Centre Kingston
At Sexual Assault Centre Kingston, we believe survivors. Our Crisis and Support Services are available to support you via the 24 hours crisis and support phone line (613-544-6424 / 1-877-544-6424), online chat and text support (, and with accompaniment services for medical or legal appointments.
Medical and Legal Accompaniments
SAC Kingston is able to provide medical and legal accompaniments to the hospital, police station and court preparation and court proceedings.
For more information:
Crisis and Support Coordinator
613-545-0762 ext 103​
Crisis and Support Line
Crisis & Support Line: 613-544-6424 or 1-877-544-6434
Our 24 hour, 7 days a week Crisis and Support Line provides confidential and non-judgmental support for survivors. We offer information, support and coping strategies for survivors of all gender identities. The Crisis and Support Phone Line covers: KFL&A, Quinte and Area, Cornwall and Area, Ottawa and Area, and Niagara and Area.
This service is available because of our compassionate volunteers, many of whom are survivors themselves.
All calls and chats are confidential. This means that we won’t share your identifying information outside of our Centre. You have the option to remain anonymous when using our service. Anonymous means our support facilitators will not require you to provide any identifying information during a conversation. You may choose to give us your name or location because you want a facilitator to help you find services in your community, but it is not mandatory and up to you.
Chat & Text Crisis and Support Line
WE BELIEVE SURVIVORS. Available from noon to midnight, 7 days a week.
Text us at 613-544-6424 or CHAT WITH US HERE or
‘We Believe Survivors’ is our secure, online chat & text support service, available for all survivors of sexual violence, regardless of gender and/or identity. You will be connected to a trained, non-judgmental facilitator who can offer you emotional support, information, resources and safety planning techniques. All chats and texts are confidential. We do not share your contact information with anyone outside the organization.
You are always welcome to come back and chat with us again.
Please read through our privacy suggestions below to help keep yourself safe while accessing our service.
Confidentiality & Privacy
We Believe Survivors is run by the Sexual Assault Centre Kingston, and all information you share with us remains confidential to our agency. This service is anonymous, meaning we cannot see your IP address or your phone number, and you do not need to share any identifying information to access this service. We will never track, record, or store any chat or text conversations that take place, and we cannot get anyone else involved if you choose to stay anonymous.
While our platform is designed to protect you and your data, nothing is ever 100% secure. To further ensure your safety while using our platform please consider:
using a password on your phone or device
using a private browser or incognito mode when chatting with us online
clearing your browser history after you are finished chatting with us online
deleting all messages after texting us, and not taking screenshots
Reporting Obligations
SACK has a duty to report in particular circumstances:
If you are under the age of 16 and tell us that someone is hurting you, has hurt you or is likely to hurt you in the future;
If you tell us you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else
We can only report if we have identifying information; if you do not provide this information we will not make a report.
Our Crisis and Support Service is designed to support individuals who have been impacted by sexual and gender based violence, not perpetrators.
Interpreter Services
SAC Kingston will work on finding appropriate interpreter services in the language of your choice, including ASL. We understand that counselling can be a barrier for some and we strive to make our services as barrier free as possible.